
Newest members...

Meet our singles!

Cindy’s Singles is in the process of posting members’ profiles online for your convenience. Although it is impossible to post ALL our members’ profiles on our site due to the large amount of members we currently have and also for privacy reasons, you are always welcome to go to any of our offices to view them as well. Just be sure to make an appointment first by calling (818) 355-0318.

Please note all photos and profiles you see on our site are ACTUAL members of Cindy’s Singles. Unlike other businesses in our industry, the profiles you see from www.cindys-singles.com are all actual members and not photos from magazines or models. New photos and profiles will be posted on a weekly basis so please check back periodically to view them.

As you can see, we have a wide range of Singles from 20’s to 50’s and from students to professionals. We don’t limit ourselves to a certain “type” and that’s because we know everyone has different preferences when looking for a partner. Whether it’s for romance, love or just friendship, Cindy’s Singles is here to help you find it!

If you have an interest in meeting or contacting any of our members you see on our site, please contact Cindy’s Singles at (818) 846-4730 or email [email protected].  Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon!

Of course this online feature does not substitute for visiting one of our Southern California offices. We have over 30,000+ profiles on file in our offices.

Cindy’s Singles is in the process of posting members’ profiles online for your convenience. Although it is impossible to post ALL our members’ profiles on our site due to the large amount of members we currently have and also for privacy reasons, you are always welcome to go to any of our offices to view them as well. Just be sure to make an appointment first by calling (818) 355-0318.

Please note all photos and profiles you see on our site are ACTUAL members of Cindy’s Singles. Unlike other businesses in our industry, the profiles you see from www.cindys-singles.com are all actual members and not photos from magazines or models. New photos and profiles will be posted on a weekly basis so please check back periodically to view them.

As you can see, we have a wide range of Singles from 20’s to 50’s and from students to professionals. We don’t limit ourselves to a certain “type” and that’s because we know everyone has different preferences when looking for a partner. Whether it’s for romance, love or just friendship, Cindy’s Singles is here to help you find it!

If you have an interest in meeting or contacting any of our members you see on our site, please contact Cindy’s Singles at (818) 846-4730 or email [email protected].  Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon!

Of course this online feature does not substitute for visiting one of our Southern California offices. We have over 30,000+ profiles on file in our offices.